Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya Plot Summary: This story follows a unaw ars time in the life of Antonio Luna M bez and an old curandera, Ultima, that is staying with his family. Major differ and Resolution: There are ternion major conflicts. The outward-bound conflict is between Ultima and Tenorio. It is resolved when Tenorio kills Ultimas owl, and Ultima dies. The other two are inner conflicts within Antonio: one is whether he is a be sick Marez, or a farming Luna. This isnt really resolved, except that Ultima tells him that he can be both. The other one is whether he should rely in God, or the Golden Carp. Again, this isnt really resolved, but towards the end, Tony dress out leaning towards the Golden Carp. Theme: A materialization boy discovering himself. Major Characters: Ultima: Ultima is a curandera. She is very old, and came to blend with Antonios family because she could not live on her own. She has an owl this is sort of like her protector spirit. She taught Tony some herbs, and was often accused of being a witch. Antonio: Antonio is a sixer year old boy, who is torn between his come and his father, whether to be a farmer-priest, or a wandering Marez. He learns witnesses quadruplet deaths (Narciso, Lupito, Ultima, and Florence), and begins to question God towards the end of the book.
Antonios Mother (Luna): Antonios begin never liked the people on the Ilano, and has always valued a settled life. She lost her three oldest sons to the Marez blood, and wants her youngest boy to be a Luna, and a farmer priest. Shes very steeped in custom, and always addresses Ultima formally. Antonios convey (Marez): Antonios father misses the Ilano. He is a wanderer, and dr! eams of moving to calcium with his three oldest boys helping him. However, If you want to get a abounding essay, put in it on our website:
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