We always wonder what we want to become when we grow ? I quarter say I have remained constant on the same subcontract. When I grow I want to be a politician because I observe everyday things improbably shocking in Romanian politics and I presuppose I can solve something. Another reason would be that I have a character quite ambitious, plethoric and I accustom to get involved in anything that it brings me benefits barely of the others. When I get involved I dont like to do a thing by halves, I always plan, I prepare a short intro (speech) to help me to convince the audience. Another reason is that this job helps me to let a salary high enough with which to invest my ideas and to stipulate up different business because when I have light time I like to gauge what business I could do, what has world needs. I really like this job because I provide enough opportunities, and with other young people who think like me, I can do something good for society, can achieve a change in current policy. This is a job that I want it! Traducere: Mereu ne intrebam ce vrem sa devenim cand vom creste? Eu pot spune ca am ramas constanta pe acceasi meserie. Cand voi creste vreau sa fiu politician deoarece observ zi de zi lucrurile incredibil de socante din politica Romaniei si cred ca as putea rezolva ceva.

Un alt motiv ar fi acela ca am un caracter destul de ambitios, dominant si obisnuiesc sa ma implic in orice lucru address imi aduce avantaje si mie dar si celor din jur. Atunci cand ma implic nu imi run sa fac pe jumatate un lucru, mereu imi planific, pregatesc o scurta prezentare (un discurs) care sa ma ajute sa conving auditoriul. Un alt motiv ar fi ca acest job ma ajuta sa primesc un salariu destul de mare cu ajutorul caruia sa imi investesc ideile si sa imi infiintez diferite afaceri pentru ca atunci cand am timp liber ma gandesc ce afacere as putea sa imi fac, de ce are nevoie lumea. Chiar imi place acest job deoarece imi ofera destule oportunitati si cu ajutorul altor tineri care... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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